Our civilization also provides this, which is a mix of consumerism and socialization, and that's fine.
course can not open a nightclub where people are sleeping, otherwise the people can no longer sleep.

If a municipality grants it, are only two possible explanations: either it is in bad faith and does a favor for someone, or is stupid. I would say
very stupid, because then, to justify her choice says a lot stupid things like 'you upgrading the area', 'we fight crime', 'it gives an image of city life'.

(Maintaining an army to control the mojito drinkers do not mess: I'm thinking of a stupid thing, but I can think of only jump naked in a field of nettles).
in Vienna have some good places for nightlife. One is the Museum Quarter, which is central, easily accessible.

In both areas, the nightlife rages, without problems, since the premises or stalls are not under the houses.
What's the point? Vienna administrators are not stupid in Turin (and Italy)?
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